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Rosie on the House

Updated Jul 2, 2015 - 8:53 am

Celebrate the Fourth of July by buying American-made products

Over the years at Rosie on the House, we have always urged our listeners and web visitors to “buy American” as much as they can when they shop.

Why should you buy American products? The main reason, of course, is to support our economy and provide jobs for your fellow citizens, including friends and family members. In addition, American-made products are more likely to be manufactured under clean environmental conditions. Although that may seem tough to do, it’s a great slogan for us all to remember as we celebrate the Fourth of July.

There are, in fact, a number of Web sites that sell only products made in America. One of them is It features a wide array of 5,500 products made in the United States, including toys for the kids and your dog, blue jeans made in Texas, baby blankets, bath towels, socks, wallets, toothbrushes and several common household items.

The Web site was founded by Todd Lipscomb of Oceanside (near San Diego) who said the products come from suppliers from across the country, many of them small, family-owned businesses.

One great resource that we’ve talked about for years is the Made in America e-commerce site, founded five years ago by owner Mark Andol of Elma, New York. He now has several retail stores in his part of the country in addition to his website. Andol sells more than 5,000 products including flip flops, a mini-charcoal grill good for tailgaters, Stetson hats with special insignia, camping and hunting equipment. horseshoes and bocce balls and another great selection of products for your house, home, castle or cabin!

Both of these retailers verify where the products were made. Andol even makes sure that their clothes hangers and retail equipment are made in the United States.

We’ve compiled and published on our website a list of additional made in America resources for all of us to reference. We encourage you to bookmark this article and our list for future shopping reference.

All of us here at Rosie on the House want to say thank you to the brave brave men and women who have served and are currently serving to protect and ensure the American freedom and way of life we all enjoy each day. Celebrate America, hoist your flags proudly and have a safe and happy Fourth of July, Arizona!

Tune in to KTAR every Saturday morning from 7-11 a.m. for the Rosie on the House home improvement show.


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