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Updated Jul 29, 2015 - 7:39 am

Highway officials target fall for full reopening of I-10 bridge site

DESERT CENTER, Calif. — California transportation officials said they will need to the end of September — and about $5 million — to fully reopen the desert highway where flash flooding washed out a bridge.

The state’s department of transportation announced the plans Tuesday.

Interstate 10 partially reopened Friday, less than a week after a wall of water rushing through a gully scoured away soil that held the eastbound span over Tex Wash in place.

Traffic is squeezing by on one lane in each direction, as vehicles share the westbound span, which itself needed significant repair work.

The bridge is located about 50 miles west of the Arizona border.

Officials said the eastbound span will be demolished and replaced, with current estimate pegging the cost at about $5 million.


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