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Updated Feb 13, 2015 - 4:23 am

Movies in a Minute: ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’

Anastasia Steele meets Christian Grey through an interview her roommate set up, but cannot attend, due to illness.

Grey’s demeanor is intimidating, and despite her best intentions — and her gut telling her not to — she becomes infatuated with him. The two enter an atypical relationship where Anastasia finds herself challenged with how far she will go to be with him.

Most of you are going to go see the movie no matter what I say, but for you men out there, I must say that this movie is not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I think she does a better job portraying her character than he does. There is definitely nudity, so if that’s not for you, then you should not go see this movie.

You can hear Pamela’s reaction to the movie here:


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