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Updated Apr 8, 2015 - 8:06 am

US Airways, American move closer to consolidation

PHOENIX — The long goodbye to Arizona-based US Airways continued Wednesday in a behind-the-scenes change that will be one of many since the announced merger with American Airline.

The Dallas News reported the Federal Aviation Administration announced the airlines can operate under a single certificate.

It’s not a change customers will notice but it will allow other modifications that could eventually lead to a new name and new appearance for the planes.

“While today marks a significant milestone for our integration, there is still much that remains ahead and we will intensify our focus on moving to a single reservations system and website and combining our frontline employee work groups,” Robert Isom, American’s chief operating officer, said in a statement.

The Tempe, Arizona-based US Airways and Dallas, Texas-based American merged in 2013.

By the end of this year, the airlines will be using a single reservations system and website. The newspaper also noted that both airlines’ planes were already being repainted.


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