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Data Doctors

Updated Apr 24, 2015 - 8:13 pm


Raise your hand if you hate all of the complexity and problems with conference calls, especially if you’re on your smartphone.
Me too and that’s why I’ve been trying to convince anyone attempting to hold a conference call to make a change.

I discovered a site called a while back and they just keep getting better. BTW, they have nothing to do with the Uber car service.

No more pin numbers, no more beeps every time someone joins or exits and no trying to guess who’s on the call or who’s talking because it’s all visually on your screen.

As the organizer, it’s easy to mute someone’s line if they put you on hold and subject everyone to their hold music.

Session recordings, screen sharing and a host of other awesome features make having web and phone conferences so much better for everyone.

Basic service is free and allows up to 10 callers, while the pro version allows up to 100 callers and costs $10 a month.

About the Author

Data Doctors


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