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Better Parent Pledge

Updated Feb 6, 2015 - 11:13 pm

31 text message love bombs to send your teenager

Editor's note: This article was originally published on LDS Parent's Tool Shop. It has been modified and republished here with permission.

It seems like most parenting books and articles focus on parenting younger children. Why is that? Do we feel as a society once our children are teenagers there is not much we can do? How can we, as parents, help teenagers feel loved?

The other day, an article about 52 text message love bombs to send your husband flashed on my news feed and I thought, “That’s it!”

Teenagers need text message love bombs from their parents because being a teenager is tough. (You remember, right?)

Expressing your love for your teenagers may be difficult at times – but they need your love and encouragement more than you realize. There may be days you adore them and others when you can’t wait until they are out on their own. It can be a trying and challenging time for both of you.

No matter what they do, you want them to know how much they are loved and know their great value.

When you send a quick text message every day with expressions of love and encouragement, they will feel better about themselves and have a stronger connection to you.

You may be surprised by the happy feelings that come to your heart as you think of them and reach out in this quiet expression of love.

Give it a try and see if it helps your relationship grow during this challenging time for both of you.

  1. Thank you for being you
  2. You are important to me
  3. You matter to our family
  4. Thank you for apologizing
  5. You sure showed courage
  6. I enjoyed our conversation
  7. Loved talking to you this morning
  8. Glad you shared your struggle with me
  9. Praying for you
  10. Sending you virtual kisses
  11. Hugs coming your way
  12. You can do hard things
  13. Love you to the moon and back
  14. Hugs to infinity and beyond
  15. Laughing with you makes my day
  16. The thought of you brightens my day
  17. Thinking of you
  18. Wishing you a happy day
  19. You can handle anything
  20. I trust you
  21. Thank you for helping me
  22. Thanks for being a member of our family
  23. Love you always and forever, no matter what
  24. You have endless potential
  25. The thought of you makes me smile
  26. I am always here for you
  27. Angels are watching over you
  28. I believe in you
  29. Your smile lights up a room
  30. Believe in yourself
  31. You make a difference

Damara Simmons is the co-creator of LDS Parent’s Toolshop. She is a parenting coach and educator who currently resides in Bonaire, GA.

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