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Updated Jan 22, 2015 - 6:24 pm

NFL, Salvation Army pass out donations to Phoenix schools in need

PHOENIX — Students from about a dozen schools in south Phoenix received much needed supplies for school on Thursday as part of the NFL’s Super Kids-Super Sharing project.

The project has taken place in the host city of the Super Bowl for the last 15 years and seeks to provide needy schools with items students need, but that the school can’t always afford.

“A lot of schools are challenged in their budgets,” Divisional Commander Joe Posillico with the Salvation Army’s Southwest Division said.

Through a partnership between the NFL and the Salvation Army, more than 400 students from more affluent schools donated lots of supplies that filled dozens of bins at the Salvation Army South Mountain Kroc Community Center near Broadway Road and 14th Street.

“A lot of it is new; you have golf clubs, you have baseball equipment, you have softball equipment, (and) we’re getting a lot of various books that are being given to us,” Posillico said.

Those bins were then given to the dozen or so schools in need and provided students with the tools necessary to further reading and education as well as fitness and sports, Posillico said.

Jack Groh, director of the NFL’s environmental program, said Super Kids-Super Sharing is a program the NFL is proud to be a part of and it’s exciting to see students helping out other students.

“It’s a great way people who have a lot of stuff to share it with people who maybe need some stuff,” he said.


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