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Data Doctors

Updated Dec 15, 2014 - 12:00 pm

If you’ve owned an iPhone for a while, you probably have a plethora of pictures in your camera roll.

I’m willing to bet that a large number of the images are bad or useless pictures that you have no use for, but you just haven’t gotten around to deleting them.

As awesome as the iPhone is, clearing out the clutter on your camera roll isn’t terribly efficient if you need to see more than thumbnails.

A free iPhone app called Cleen makes sorting through and deleting your images in full size much faster.

The Cleen app uses swiping gestures to quickly determine what you want to do with each picture.

Swipe up if you want to keep it, swipe down if you want to delete it and swipe to the left if you can’t decide which puts the images in a do-it-later queue.

Once you’re done, just click on the trash icon to delete all the images at once. Viola!

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