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Data Doctors

Updated Dec 10, 2014 - 12:00 pm

The Status app

When the battery on your phone dies and your significant other is trying to reach you, it can appear as if you are ignoring them.

Without a response, the anxiety and frustration can grow quickly.

This very scenario is what caused an app developer to create a more useful way to provide status updates to important people in your life.

The app is aptly named Status and unlike other options, it can do a lot of the work for you automatically.

Using motion sensors, phone and calendar information, it can automatically update your status to driving, at work, at home, in a meeting, unreachable and most importantly that your battery is low.

Android users can use the app to ask simple Yes-No questions or flip over to your text messaging app for more detailed exchanges.

Parents may also find this useful so they know not to reach out to a child if they are driving, for instance.

Knowing the status before you try to communicate can save everyone a lot of anxiety.

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