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Data Doctors

Updated Dec 5, 2014 - 12:00 pm

If you love hiking as much as I do, finding new trails to explore wherever you go becomes a bit of an obsession.

Just because it’s getting colder all around us doesn’t mean you have to give up this great form of exercise.

There are lots of great resources on the Internet for discovering new trails, but I generally start with one in particular:

With 50,000 trails and 700,000 members, the mind share from this resource is simply incredible.

You can search for trails that are kid or dog friendly, include waterfalls or accommodate mountain biking.

You can see the approximate distance and time of each hike as well as the difficulty and user ratings.

And it’s really easy to find the best hikes nearby based on your location; a great way to find those hidden gems right in your own backyard.

The amount of information you can gather on any potential hike is amazing and‘s mobile apps make it even easier to discover great new adventures everywhere you go.

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