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Data Doctors

Updated Dec 4, 2014 - 12:00 pm

Google’s new dashboard

The ongoing battle to protect yourself on the Internet just got a nice boost from Google.

Since we all have a Google account of some sort, knowing how and when your account has been accessed is a quick way to check for suspicious activity.

Google’s Device and Activity Dashboard makes it easy to see a complete list of all the computers and devices that have accessed your account in the last 28 days, including anything that’s currently signed in.

When possible, they include general location information to help you determine if the device is one of yours.

If any suspicious activity is noticed, there’s an option to immediately take steps to secure your account and change the password.

Even if you don’t see anything suspicious, take a second to click the ‘Secure your account’ link at the top.

It’ll run you through five ways to secure your account including a review of all the apps, websites and devices that currently have access to your account.

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