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92.3 FM KTAR
Updated Apr 24, 2015 - 8:07 pm

KTAR tries the new Lay’s potato chip flavors

All four flavors of Lay’s new limited time potato chip flavors have finally hit shelves.

As a news organization (and a group of people who really enjoy free food), we felt it was our duty to not only try the chips, but let you see our reactions.

We gathered up a variety of our hosts and reporters and placed the four flavors — Wavy Mango Salsa, Bacon Mac and Cheese, Cappuccino and Wasabi Ginger — in front of them. They all sampled a few.

You’re going to want to stick around for this full video. Some of the reactions are just too classic to miss.

Have you taken on the #DoUsAFlavor taste test yet? Let us know in the comments.


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