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Updated Jul 29, 2014 - 8:40 pm

Homeless man belts out John Legend’s ‘All of Me’

Do you like someone who can sing? I have a video to show you.

This man, who is apparently homeless, uses a gimmick to get people to give him money. He sings.

According to the New York Daily News, 28-year-old Byon Artrell McCullough has struggled with homelessness since being released from prison. He aspires to make it in the music world.

“Am I homeless? Yes. Am I a bum? No,” he said.

McCullough sings on the streets in South Carolina to make money. I thought he would give a few rough measures of a song when I originally opened this video.

I was wrong.

McCullough takes on John Legend’s “All of Me” and crushes it. Enjoy.


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