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Bruce St. James and Pamela Hughes

Updated Jun 19, 2014 - 7:25 pm

Faith in Humanity: Hospital execs take pay cut to up employee pay

Some administrators at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital decided to take a pay cut this week.

According to the Huffington Post, the cut wasn’t to help the budget at the hospital nor was it performance-based. They simply wanted to give their employees who were making minimum wage a raise.

The cut will lead to an increase of about $3 per hour to the employees, putting them about $10.25 hourly.

“It is the right thing to do,” said Dr. Paula Dobbs-Wiggins, chair of the Board’s Employee Relations Executive Compensation Committee, per a release. “I am particularly pleased that we … [are] recognizing the importance and value of all our employees.”

Employee reactions varied, as some thought they news was a joke. However, when they were told it was true, some planned on getting a new place to live, working less overtime and spending more time with family.

Another administrator said the hospital hopes to get other facilities to adopt the same plan across the nation.


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