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Stacey Brooks

Updated Mar 3, 2014 - 2:35 pm

Ellen’s star-powered selfie at the Oscars gets 2 million retweets

I’ve only taken one selfie in my life, and I never posted it on social media.

I honestly think I’d need a lesson first on how to take a good selfie. There is an art to it, you know. Just ask Kim Kardashian.

I’ve got to give major props to Oscars host Ellen DeGeneres for pulling off a selfie with so much star power.

It blew me away.

She got a selfie with Meryl Streep, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Jared Leto, Kevin Spacey, Lupita Nyong’o and Channing Tatum.

Her goal was for it to be the most retweeted tweet of all time.

She succeeded. So far the photo has been retweeted more than 2.6 million times! At first, Twitter was so overwhelmed it crashed.

DeGeneres successfully surpassed Barack Obama’s election-night photo of him embracing Michelle, which has been retweeted over 780,000 times.

In her own words? This selfie is thoroughly #blessed.
Funny how the silliest things can become the most talked about, or in this case the most retweeted about.


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