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Better Parent Pledge

Updated Jan 16, 2014 - 7:58 pm

5 ways to help your family fight headaches

Headaches can destroy your entire day. They can make simple tasks seem like overwhelming projects. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), headache disorders are among the most common disorders of the nervous system. WHO also reports that an estimated 47 percent of adults have had a headache at least once within this last year.

Unfortunately, it isn’t only adults that experience headaches children and teens can suffer the pain headaches bring. Luckily, by being proactive, you can minimize the quantity and the intensity of headaches you and your family members will suffer. Here are a few ways to help your family fight these dreaded pains.

Water, water, water.

Dehydration is a great headache trigger. Strive to drink at least two liters of water a day. Watch your children’s water intake, as well. If you find they do not drink enough water, begin to drink water at each of your meals instead of juice or other sugary beverages. Also, limit caffeinated drinks. Too much caffeine can trigger headaches, or if you are trying to break the caffeine habit, you may suffer intense withdrawal headaches.

Eat the right kinds of food.

What you put into your mouth affects how you feel. Many foods can trigger headaches, and these foods differ from one individual to another. If you believe you, or a family member, eat a certain food that triggers headaches, keep a food diary to look for patterns or clues. This is one of the easiest ways to discover what may or may not be making you or your family member miserable.

In addition, eat healthy foods, and avoid skipping meals. Your body needs fuel regularly to run at its best. When you don’t fuel it, or you provide low-quality fuel, you will eventually suffer the consequences.


Meditation has been shown to help offset the symptoms of a headache. According to Everyday Health, a study shows 72 percent of patients who underwent meditation training and had chronic pain experienced reductions in their pain level. One of the greatest headache triggers is stress. Meditation is an excellent way to calm the body down and relieve that stress.

Limit screen time.

Children and teens love computers, TVs, tablets and smartphones, but all of these objects can trigger headaches. Create rules in your home to prevent excessive screen time. Give children time limits of when they can or cannot be in front of the TV or computer. Additionally, plan activities for your children that require activity and movement. Take them outside, visit a museum or make a craft. Find activities your children will enjoy that also takes them away from sitting in front of an electronic device.

Get on a sleep schedule.

Sleep deprivation can not only make you feel sluggish it can also be the culprit of a terrible headache. You can fight headaches by establishing a regular sleep schedule and sticking to it, even on the weekends. Give your children a bedtime and enforce it. Be firm and do not let them stay up too late. You may pay for the consequence later. In addition, adults and teens should not use the weekends as an excuse to stay out late or sleep in for an excessive amount of time.

Headaches are terrible and can result in an unproductive day and a frustrated individual. By taking a few simple precautions, you can help prevent headaches from affecting you and your family members.

Courtnie Erickson is a Utah State University graduate and a technology guru.

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