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Stacey Brooks

Updated Dec 31, 2013 - 6:51 pm

Five things that need to be retired from pop culture in 2014

Here are some things that I’d like to see go away in 2014.

Most importantly, the selfie. Am I the only one who doesn’t take them? I’m tired of all the duck faces, poses in front of mirrors and celebrities posting them on Instagram. Enough already!

I hope I never have to talk about twerking again, and for that matter, Miley Cyrus’ tongue. I’ve heard Cyrus say she doesn’t know what to do in pictures so she sticks out her tongue. Really? Learn a new trick, please.

Kimye, also known as Kim Kardashian and Kayne West. Personally, I’m just not interested in hearing about their lives anymore and I know I’m not alone in this. Kayne recently said he is tired of sticking his foot in his mouth, so he is not going to say anything negative for at least six months. Yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it. Between naming their baby North West, Kayne’s over the top wedding proposal and that “meant to be sexy” unsexy music video, I’m done with these two. Get married, have babies, whatever. Just get off the cover of every magazine!

I like the hashtag. I really do. But let’s stop overhashtagging. Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon did a funny bit on “Saturday Night Live” on the overuse of hashtags. So they must agree that hashtags need to be applied more sparingly on social media.

Finally, I’m a Taylor Swift fan, but am I the only one tired of seeing her dance at awards shows? I get it, she knows the lyrics to every song in all different genres of music and she likes to get up and dance. No problem, Taylor. It’s the awards show producers who keep showing you on camera, over and over and over again. In 2014 can we go for a different cut away shot? Please?

What would you like to see go away in 2014? I’d love to know and, of course, Happy New Year!


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