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Stacey Brooks

Updated Dec 8, 2013 - 11:24 pm

Should women just quit their jobs, get married and have babies?

Suzanne Venker, founder of the site Women for Men, was at it again this weekend on “Fox & Friends,” arguing that women should quit their jobs, get married and have babies.

The segment was entitled, “You do need a husband!”

Do I?

I survived 40 years on the planet without one, and to be honest, I was pretty happy.

Although I did get married, it was because I fell in love and found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I can assure you it wasn’t so I could quit my job, end my successful career and have babies.

Venker argues that women won’t find fulfillment trying to balance a relationship and family with full-time work.

“Financial independence is a great thing,” she writes on, “but you can’t take your paycheck to bed with you. And there’s nothing empowering about being beholden to an employer, when what you really want is to have a baby.”

I’m sorry — who said having a baby is what I really want?

Now, don’t get me wrong: We may start a family and there’s no question that being a wife, mother and full-time career woman is extremely difficult to balance. But it’s a disservice to all of the women who have accomplished it to say it’s not possible or not something to strive for.

To argue, as Venker does, that a woman’s place should be in the home raising children and that a man should be the sole breadwinner so women can have a more balanced life is absurd to me.

That doesn’t sound balanced at all.

So many of my friends who are moms say they are better wives and mothers because they work. They say the balance of not just being a mother helps them to be a better wife, mother friend, sister, daughter, et cetera.

Who is Venker to judge other women’s choices?

I applaud women who choose to stay home and raise their kids, but I also applaud women who choose to be mothers and pursue a career.

Whatever works for you and your family works for me.


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