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Stacey Brooks

Updated Nov 4, 2013 - 10:34 pm

Take the plunge: You can now marry yourself

In all of my years on the planet and all the time I’ve spent trying to love myself, I can honestly say I never considered marrying myself.

To be clear, I’m not talking about conducting my own wedding ceremony, I’m talking about a solo wedding.

Yes, it’s true. You can now buy a “Self-Wedding In-A-Box.” The $300 kit supplies everything you’ll need for your “self” nuptials, including vows, a ring (in rose, white or yellow gold) and daily affirmation cards so you can remind yourself why you’re in love with you.

When I first read about this, I thought it was a joke. But alas, it’s not.

A married couple — Los Angeles-based jewelry designer Jeffrey Levin and design strategist Bonnie Powers — came up with I Married Me, the company behind the self-marrying kit. Powers said the Self-Wedding In-A-Box encourages people not to wait for that boring, old traditional love between two people, but rather to find the love that is waiting for them inside themselves.

Powers told Cosmopolitan, “I think a lot of people have a void in themselves and they’re looking to fill it. We’re trying to remind people that they already have all that awesomeness inside. This isn’t about waiting for the right one, it’s about you being the right one.”

I have always believed in the idea of loving yourself so you can truly love others. I often post positive affirmations on my Facebook page called “Today’s Mantra.” I even carry a few Talistones in my purse with the words strength, courage and faith engraved in them.

But, marry myself with vows and a ring? Yeah, that would never happen.

That being said, if this concept sounds good to you, can I at least suggest saving the $300 and doing it for free?


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