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Updated Apr 8, 2013 - 6:41 pm

Child with brain cancer scores touchdown

Why should you watch this video?

Because we all we need to be reminded there are good people around us that do the right thing for the right reasons. And because we know that sports can have a powerful impact and draw emotion out of the most hardened individuals.

Oh, and it just might restore your faith in humanity.

The back story is that Jack Hoffman is a 7-year old brain cancer patient who happens to be a HUGE Nebraska Cornhusker fan. During a spring practice scrimmage, young Jack came into the game as a running back and, after a stuttering start, ran for a 69 yard touchdown to the cheers of more than 60,000, as well as the players on both sides of the ball.

I DARE you to watch this video and not get goose bumps…or maybe even shed a tear.


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